My Gosh...
I just received this in my email from Lovesystems...I could not stop laughing at this fraud:
Mr. M on Momentum
One of the things I learned from the dating and seduction guide Magic Bullets is the idea of "emotional momentum".
It's a lot like riding a bicycle. You have to move forward or you'll fall. At the beginning, mis-steps can be fatal.
So don't make your first text message a question. If she doesn't answer, she's implying that she doesn't have much investment in you yet. That's not good and sets your momentum in the wrong direction.
The Phone and Text Game Book has dozen of pages of actual text message scripts. Here's one of my favorites:
"It's me, your phone. I wanted to get out of your pocket. The smell in there is unbearable. Take care."
Mr. M on When to Text
You probably know by now how much women - especially beautiful women with a lot of choices - read a lot into things that men do.
Fashion is a big example of this. There's no such thing as "neutral" clothes to a woman who is checking you out. Everything is a choice. If you dress to fit in, you are CHOOSING to dress to fit in. If you dress like you haven't been to a party in ten years, she'll look at THAT as a choice. If your shoes are scruffy, she'll think you've made a choice not to respect yourself or pay attention to the little things.
(This is a phone game article, not a fashion article, so I'll stop here and refer you to Chapter 21 (Fashion) of Magic Bullets, which breaks this all down to a bunch of simple rules and before-and-after photos:
Anyway, just like fashion is a choice, SO IS WHEN YOU TEXT HER.
Don't text her on a weekend night, unless there was something to suggest that you would be meeting up that night. Fun, interesting men with busy lives don't text random women on weekend nights - they are too busy leading their fun, interesting lives.
Reality check: If she's attractive, she has the choice of what to do every night of the week, especially weekends. So she's likely to be busy and when you're busy and get a text, you don't always remember to reply. And that costs emotional momentum.
Here are some times I've had the most success with:
* Sunday early evening (around 7pm)
* Weeknights around 9pm
* Daytime (sometimes) - usually around the 12-2pm lunchtime slot
Texting at 7pm and 9pm also has an added advantage. These times lead to bedtime. If you are the last person that she thinks about before she goes to sleep and thus, likely the first person she thinks about when she wakes up, you will resonate in her subconscious mind (beware, she may also resonate in yours!).
Mr. M on Situational Texts
I like situational texts.
They can be funny without making it seem like you're "trying too hard"
They are statements, not questions, so you're not coming across like you're just trying to get her to text you.
The Phone and Text Game book has literally dozens of pages of great text messages and is full of different scripts from actual text message conversations with beautiful women that eventually led to sex. Here are a couple of "early game" situational texts that I use:
"If nose hairs were a sign of masculinity, the guy opposite me would be the hulk."
"Maybe it's the booze talking, but I want you to know that I love booze."
Mr. M on Using Texts to Set Up the Date
The Phone and Text Game book shows you how to divide phone and text situations into three different types, depending on how well the initial meeting went.
If she's really into you and is ready to meet up for a date (what we call "short fuse" in the book), then you can use the 4-point structure to ask her out:
1. A nickname. E.g., "Hi shorty" If the nickname can relate to callback humor, even better.
2. Why you are texting her. E.g., "I was thinking" or "What are you doing?"
3. The potential plans. E.g., "We should really hit [some restaurant or place you talked about in the first meeting]"or "Have you ever been to a daytime nightclub?" or "I'm busy Thurs & Fri but we should grab a drink on Wednesday"
4. Something playful to release tension. E.g., "P.S. Do you like Dave Matthews Band?" or "More importantly, do you have a geeky side?" or "Ever wondered who would win in a context between a rabbit and a smurf?"
These all go in the same text. Try it tonight - or tune in on Thursday for more live examples:
Mr. M is a Love Systems Senior Instructor.
any examples of texts or remarks that these guys give are always the corniest shit ever.
I met a girl at a bar a week ago, and after texting for a few days, last night I texted her: "you. me. hangout. tonight." Worked like a charm. I actually sent it to her about 5 times until she finally agreed to come over, hahaha. Good times.
Maybe I should have said:
"you. me. hangout. tonight. more importantly, do you have a geeky side, and also, do you like the dave matthews band?"